My Writing Journal

How to Start a Website

How I started a Website

I know there is plenty of information out there on how to start your website. I have read about it for a while now. I am just going to tell how I started a website. I was very nervous about starting this new adventure, but I was determined. Maybe I should say I challenged myself.

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There has been a learning curve for me, but I decided at this stage of my life, I was going to learn something new. I had no idea what I was doing. As of this writing, I am only two weeks into a live and published blog site, but I thought I would journal how it has been for me so far.

I’m not sure what I expected when I pushed the Launch button. Nonetheless, I was scared, no I was petrified. I guess I thought the world was going to open up and swallow me whole. Well, nothing happened when I launched. Oops, I gave away the ending.

I will back up to the beginning. So, when someone told me that using Bluehost to set up the WordPress website was easy and quick, I pushed ahead.

Why Bluehost?

The reason you want to use to use a web hosting service is to make your site accessible to the world. Publishing your website requires a third-party hosting service. There are many hosting services available, but Bluehost is a leading provider that is easy to use, provides support and offers a 30-day guarantee. It’s only $3.95 a month.

Bluehost homepage

Choose a Domain Name

I chose My Junk Journal because my original idea was to have a journal of perception, dreams and internal or spiritual growth. That idea changed pretty quick. I still liked the name, so I forged on with My Junk Journal. You should choose a name that reflects your message, your idea, your theme. Make sure your domain has a .com ending.

Choose a domain name

Select a Plan

Bluehost offers three different hosting plans: Basic, Plus, and Prime. Choose the one that fits your budget and planned venture. I chose Prime because I am determined to make this my business, my career.

select a plan


You’ll enter your account information and package plan. The package plan offers more options for Domain Privacy Protection, Site Backup Pro, Search Engine Jumpstart and Sitelock Security-Find. I plan to make my site a full-fledged business with a commerce page. I added all the options. If you choose nothing else; the Domain Privacy Protection will hide your personal information from the public database. I think that is a worthwhile add-on.

account information

Then enter your payment information and hit submit.

payment information screen

You’ll create a password to your Bluehost account.

choose password screen

create password

Congratulations! You have conquered the first steps to creating an online website.

password complete

Now What?

After signing in to Bluehost, you will log in to WordPress to get to your domain. This next screen is where you will build other sites if you choose to have more than one.

Bluehost welcome screen

Your next steps are the fun part. You get to build and design your site. Choose a theme. Some are free, and some have a nominal fee. I am using the free theme, Ashe. That may change soon as I build my site and create more content.

Bluehost theme screen

Choose which kind of website you want to build. I chose Business because I fully intend to have a shop at some point in my growth.

link to WordPress screen

MY PRO-TIP: Remember this navigation screen below.

Navigation screen

Launch Button

Maybe it was just me, but that Launch button eluded me for some time. My husband teased me for weeks about my failure to launch. I kept saying; I want to get this site perfect. Even when I thought my blog site was perfect, other than lack of content, I really couldn’t find the Launch button. I spent hours searching online, reading FAQ’s and looking for that elusive button. My dear sweet wonderful husband sat down with me and in two minutes found the button to launch, publish, make-my-site-go-live.

Launch website

I already gave away the ending. Contrary to popular belief, the World Wide Web did not swallow me up into some cataclysmic, deep-abysmal, third galaxy, millions-of-light-years-away hole. I am still here, and I have a lot of work to do.

I hope my tutorial helps you on your journey. If you can click the mouse button, then you can create a site for you.

Couple things to remember:

  1. Your website can be anything you want it to be. You can have a Craft Center, A Kitchen Krafter, A DIY Caveman Contractor site. The ideas are limitless.
  2. Bluehost offers a 30-day money back guarantee if you don’t love them.
  3. Bluehost has an excellent 24/7 help/support service.

If you have questions, please send me an email. I will help if I can, and if I can’t, then we both will learn something together.

Once your website has launched, share it with me…let’s grow together.

If you find this information helpful, sharing is appreciated.

Christine was born in Vermont but raised in Texas. An empty nester of three kids and now two grandchildren, she and her husband have a lot of life to live. That was the plan all along.